Hi. I'm going to walk you through the "My Starbucks Idea Exercise." The purpose of this exercise is to get some hands-on experience in customer co-creation and understand how firms utilize co-creation platforms to enhance their innovation capacity. As a bit of background the" My Starbucks Idea Initiative" began in 2008 as a means of engaging with their brand community to solicit ideas to enhance their operations and their product offerings. So far, this platform has received over 200,000 ideas, and Starbucks has actually implemented many of these ideas into their stores. So let me go ahead and take you through this website and show you what I'm looking for in the exercise. So first of all I'm here at Goggle, but you can use whatever web browser that you like, and simply type in My Starbucks Idea, and here it is; it pops up on top. And here you see the platform. At the top you see three different menu options, the first-- "Got an Idea" is the platform entry for which you enter your idea. For this, you'll actually need to sign up and create an account; we'll talk about that in just a few moments. The second category is a place where you can view ideas that have submitted already by people such as you.
And the third column is ideas in action, and this is will actually show you the ideas that Starbucks have actually taken and are utilizing to enhance their operations.
You see here on the left categories of ideas, and they're broke into three main categories- "Product Ideas," ideas for coffee and teas, foods and so forth. Second of all "Experience Ideas," These are ideas of how to enhance the experience of being in a Starbucks store. And the third category is something they call "Involvement Ideas," which are ideas for engaging with the Starbucks community giving back to social causes, for example.
So to give you an idea of how to begin, as a first step, there's this search box in which you can enter your idea and see what others have said along these lines. So I have a strong liking for oatmeal, and oatmeal products such as cookies and cereals, so I'm going to type in the term oatmeal cereal to see what others have said about it. I just hit the green box, and you'll see here there's a total of 47 different ideas related to oatmeal, and I'm just going through-- scrolling down to make sure that no one has submitted the same idea that I have. Okay, it looks like there's some ideas here of some cereal products already.
Okay, some different options for cereals.
So it appears that some others have entered similar ideas, but perhaps not quite the same thing, so as a next step what I'm going to do is actually sign in, hit the sign in box. And I've already created an account, so I'll just put in my user ID and password. If you don't have an account on "My Starbucks Idea," you simply need to go to the right here, and click on "Create a Starbucks dot com account," and this is much like any other web-based platform, they just need your user ID and a password; it's pretty simple. And as you can see now it's signed in it says, "Hi there," and that's my user ID eric10208.
So to enter my idea I simply go back to the top and hit "Got an Idea," and you'll see there are three boxes that appear. The first is a pull-down menu in which you enter the category of your idea. Since mine is about cereal, I'm going to click the food category.
The next box is the idea box in which you put a brief summary of what your idea is, so I'll type oatmeal cereal, and then as soon as I hit that this pop up box appears, and this box shows you related ideas. So you'll take a look at this to make sure that no one is offering the same exact idea, otherwise you may want to do something else. So I see oatmeal cookie, oatmeal cup.
Let's see Starbucks own brand of cold cereal, but nothing quite the same as my idea, so I'm going to exit out of the box, and type in a quick description of what my idea is. So I'll put down, "I am a big fan of oatmeal. It tastes good and is good for you, thus I believe that Starbucks should offer an oatmeal cereal in its stores."
So that's my description. I simply hit the small green box on the bottom to post my idea to the forum.
And so what you need to do is after you enter idea come back after a period of time, I suggest 24 hours, to see how many points are assigned to your idea, and also you'll notice that there's a comment section here, and you'll see comments perhaps in which the individuals who vote on your idea may enter some helpful suggestions or their thoughts. And likewise, you can enter comments to any idea here at the menu box. The next step is to complete the assignment.
For this assignment, we're looking for four things in particular. First of all, please record your idea, the amounts of points that it received positive or negative, and also a summary of the reactions in terms of the comments that other users provided about your idea. Second of all, we like your thoughts about how this experience made you feel, so how it made you feel about Starbucks, the company. Third, this exercise again is an exercise in customer co-creation. If you recall we talked about four types of customer co-creation- collaborating, submitting, tinkering, and designing. So please record what type of co-creation you think this platform is.
And finally, we'd like your thoughts about what you think Starbucks is trying to accomplish through this platform.
by Aric Rindfleisch
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