четверг, 21 июля 2016 г.

High performing teams

The creation and maintenance of high performing teams takes hard work. But once they are established, they are a joy to be a part of.
Let's look at what we know about teams that reach their full potential:
1. They have a clearly-defined common purpose/goal/mission
      • All members know the purpose of the team.
      • All members know what the team has to produce.
      • All members know the criteria for success.
2. They share commitment to the task
      • The primary goals of the team are endorsed by all members.
      • Each member is open about what they are hoping to achieve personally and/or professionally by working on the task.
      • There are no hidden agendas.
3. There are clear ground rules and roles within the team
      • Leadership is clearly articulated and agreed by all members.
      • The strengths (and weaknesses) of each team member are known.
      • There is an agreed process for resolution of any conflicts that may arise.
4. The team respects both individuals and their ideas
      • Each team member feels that they have a voice.
      • There is a team ethic of respect for others' views.
5. They use effective team processes and practices
      • There are regular and efficient team meetings that make good use of available time.
      • There are agreed timelines for outcomes.
      • There are established consequences for individuals not reaching deadlines or not producing work to the agreed standard.
      • There is open communication; feedback (both verbal and non-verbal) is given and received in a professional and collegial way.
      • There is willingness to work for the good of the team including completing tasks that are less than enjoyable.
      • There is mutual trust in all aspects.
      • There is a desire to continuously improve.

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