When you start university, you join an academic community. Everyone in this community is engaged in learning, teaching and research activities that are intended to benefit society.
In order to achieve this, the academic community must conduct itself with integrity. This means that certain values or standards are expected of everyone.
In this first week we have looked at the six fundamental values that underpin academic integrity. A healthy academic environment will always demonstrate a commitment to these values.
Through the eyes of different students we also explored the experience of moving from our original environment into university and how this changed our expectations.
As a student working within this environment, you have freedom and independence in the creation of your academic work. You are trusted to present work that truly reflects your own learning. This means creating work that is original. Being original does not mean you need to come up with ideas that no one else has ever thought of: it simply means you need to produce your own work, in your own words.
Your work may borrow words or ideas that other people have already expressed. That is expected, but you need to clearly acknowledge (or reference) where those ideas or words came from. We will look at how to do this in Week 3.
When you present the work of others, even if you reference their ideas, you still need to include your own reflection or understanding of their words or ideas. This will show your lecturer that you have understood what others are saying and how their ideas support your own work.
© The University of Auckland
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