четверг, 1 мая 2014 г.

The history of typlological classification of languages

During the XIX century the field of typology was dominated by what we call the morphological typology. At the beginning of the XIX Joan Christoph Abelulg published his work "Mithradatis". It had the two-fold goal:
I to describe many new languages, the colonial expansion of the European states became acquainted with also for practical interests such as trading or christianization. And II to arrive at a very nature of human language.
That is why linguistic comparison ment both philosophical comparison of languages and comparative grammar. Even in the book which is traditionally considered to be the beginning of Modern linguistics. France Bopp's famous " conjugation system" we see that philosophical speculation and historical  approaches are connected, i.e. to say to treat the study of language both as a historical and philosophical one. Both compared similar forms in order to examine their inner structure. Not to reconstruct the original form but to confirm his typological hypothesis that often consists are form by a subject and its attribute linked by the verb "to be". Both points are present in Bopp's admirer who can really be considered the bridge between rationalistic more philosophical approach to languages and the romanticism of the I part of the XIX century. The title of his most important work "On the difference of the human linguistic structure and it's influence on the intellectual development of mankind" (1836) seems to be oriented to more relativistic position of the romanticism which was interested in linguistic diaversities as the nearer of the spiritual and intellectual differences among cultures. But in many pages of the book it is clearly stated that all languages are just reproductions of the human nature with its ability for speaking. We can say he writes that entire humankind has a unique language and at the same time every human being has its own particular language. It is however a matter of fact that it was this difference and also some restrictions which interested Humboldt the most. He most interested in linguistic structure of many languages he dealt with which reflect  their character or to use his own words their genious. Under this point of view he may consider Humboldt as a forerunner of etnolinguistics. Meanwhile the new historically oriented comparativism of Breetweek and Augost Shlagel and Jacob Grim had more and more diferentiated  philosophy and linguistics. The studies by Frederikh and Shlagel let to the I typological division of languages. Thus according to them all languages can be devided into three classes:
I. languages with any grammatical structure (Chiness)
II. languages with affixes
III. languages with inflections.
Adam Smith devided languages into 2 types :
I. primitive, simple, original and uncompounded
II. Compounded.
Ancient Greek is a good  example of the I type and Italian or French of The second . Basically we have to do with the opposition between syntactic and analitical languages which will become the basis for many further typological researches. From the evolutionary point of view Smith's idea has that the syntactic type is more ancient than analitical one and more preferable.
A linguistic type is rather an ideal construction which in old language is ever realised. After Humboldt in the European studies became the main trend in linguistics and typology was confined to a more marginal role. The discovery of many scientific lows which had already began with Rasmus Rask and J. Grimo of the so called neo-gr.   

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